The Wheel weaves as the Wheel will, and even the Weaver does not determine the pattern...
Self is woven of many changing and adapting threads - each systems of strange loops, context (itself woven of fine constraints – the embroidery thread of the moment), feedback loops, algorithms, and multiply-realizable possibility spaces. Around the edges, it is seasoned with the spices of other selves around us – perspectives we have absorbed, adopted, and stolen from those of whom we have internal mirrors, those (we’ve loved, we’ve read, we’ve seen, or imagined) who have widened the field we can experience.
History playing out from the various estuaries in which we wade - every moment-by-moment adaptation and evolution combining context into meaning, the poetry and wildness encoded behind; Design and pattern visible only in hindsight (and sometimes only in therapy, as we change the colors of our past); as emerging pattern feeding forward to new loops, constraints and context with opportunities to shift the weaving by a thread or two, add a color, some spice, or thin threads of an old paradigm as it pops up again and again.
Douglas Hofstadter - I am a Stange Loop, The Mind's I
Nora Bateson - Combining
Gregory Bateson - Toward an Ecology of Life
Dave Snowden - a system of levels and type of influence including estuaries and Cynefin
Alicia Juarraro - Context Changes Everything
Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time
Guy Gavriel Kay - Fionavar