Another year older and deeper in debt.
If birthdays were about the numbers, I would have deserted them a decade ago. I cannot imagine celebrating a change in numbers on a calendar and the inevitable path toward decrepit bodies and death. Despite that, birthdays are my favorite holidays.
Perhaps it’s my self-centered narcissism (if you will excuse a little redundancy), but I believe that my birthday is the most important holiday in the year. I don’t mean only my birthday, though mine takes precedence over others in my reality because of my perspective on the world at large- I see through my own eyes and only experience my own thoughts… A birthday is the only holiday that celebrates the Self- that spark of energy so far beyond observable reality that Descartes had trouble distinguishing whether “reality” is as real as its name implies.
If you believe that humanity is gifted with a soul for each body, then each of us has a spark (some call it a soul) that makes us human or connects us with a divine spirit (or Brahman), depending on your religious preferences and definitions- or lack thereof. Perhaps like snowflakes, we are each patterned slightly differently, never to be imitated in the whole of history, or perhaps we are recycled through multiple existences on a quest for truth and nirvana; nevertheless, this spark is worthy of celebration. We each have a different method of making connections in the brain, of determining what is important in a situation, and each of us can create something alien to all others.
This individuality is what I celebrate on January 27th. This potential to create something completely new and to discover or communicate truth in a new way that will inspire the continuation of human progress is the meaning of life for me- and the best reason for celebration!
Do you take advantage of the opportunities to change your perspectives and see the world in new ways? Is your ability to make causal connections between events enough to inspire a brand new thought or idea?